5 Ways to Purify Your Water when Hiking


Why Purify Your Water on Trail?

When collecting water from a stream or a lake, there is unfortunately no way of knowing if the water is contaminated. The water may contain microorganisms or chemicals that you cannot see with the naked eye, but can end up making you sick. Hence, it is often recommended that you purify your water before drinking it.

Water can be contaminated in different ways, and three types of microorganisms might be present in the water that can all cause you to become ill:

  1. Bacteria are small, single-celled organisms that are mostly harmless (some of them are even good for you and live inside you!). However, some of them can make you sick such as E-coli, Salmonella, and Campylobacter.
  2. Viruses are tiny germs that contain genetic information, but are not cells (unlike bacteria). Common viruses found in water are Novovirus, Cholera, and Hepatitis A
  3. Parasites are organisms that survive by living inside other organisms. They include worms such as tapeworms and roundworms, as well as single-celled organisms called protozoans, such as Giardia or Crypto.

Becoming sick from these different microorganisms often involves similar symptoms such as diarrhea, fever, stomach cramps, and vomiting.

Different water purification methods work differently on certain microorganisms which is important to keep in mind when choosing the right method for you.

1. Water Filter

2. Filtered Water Bottles

3. Ultraviolet Water Purifier

4. Water Purification Tablets

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5. Boiling Water

Boiling your water is the most effective way of purifying water. This method kills 99.9% of the microorganisms living in it, including viruses. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that you boil water for at least 1 minute at sea level, and at least 3 minutes if you are at an altitude above 2000 m.

Pros of Boiling Water

  •  Easy and highly effective way to purify water without the need to buy a purification
  •  Boiling water kills all kinds of microorganisms, including viruses.

Cons of Boiling Water

  •  Boiling water can be time-consuming, particularly in cold weather where water will take
     longer to reach its boiling point.
  •  Boiling water requires you to bring extra gas.
  •  This method will not remove larger particles such as dirt from the water. 

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