5 Quick and Easy Breakfast Ideas for Hiking

If you are new to hiking, you might be wondering what food you can bring that is easily made on the trail. Starting your day with a tasty and nutritious breakfast is important to give you the energy you need to walk long distances with a big pack.

Ideally, a breakfast for hiking should be simple to make without the use of kitchen utensils, lightweight, and of course taste delicious. Here are 5 ideas for breakfasts that fit all these boxes. Try them out on your next hike and let us know what you think!

1. Instant Oatmeal

Oatmeal is a classic breakfast when hiking. Besides being good for your health, a bowl of warm porridge is a great way to start your day when it’s cold outside. In addition, the endless topping options make it possible to diversify your oatmeal as much as you wish when going on longer treks. What’s not to like?

Nowadays, you can buy ready-made instant oatmeals at most larger supermarkets that only need adding warm water. But if you have the time, you can save a lot of money by making your own version! Check out our recipe for the perfect quick oatmeal on trail (LINK).

2. Muesli with Milk

We know what you are thinking: How on earth do they manage to bring fresh milk on a hiking trip? The answer is: We don’t. We recently discovered milk powder, and it has forever changed our breakfast-on-trail game. Mixing milk powder with water and pouring it over muesli has quickly become one of our favourite breakfasts when hiking in warmer countries. It is easy to prepare, tastes good, and requires a minimum of time. You will only need three ingredients: muesli, powdered milk, and water. 

There are an abundance of mueslis to choose from in supermarkets. We always try to go for one that contains lots of dried fruits, nuts, and seeds (and a minimum of sugar). Powdered milk can be found in most larger supermarkets. Make sure to note the ratio between powdered milk and water as this varies across brands.

3. Overnight Oats

If you are not carrying a stove or hiking in a warm place, you might prefer a cold breakfast that does not require hot water. This is where overnight oats come into the picture. Instead of heating up oats with boiled water, you can simply let a cup of oats soak overnight in two cups of cold water. This way, you will have a delicious porridge ready in the morning without the use of any gas.

Just like regular oatmeal, you can add a variety of toppings to your overnight oats for extra nutrition and taste. Some examples are fresh fruits, dried fruits, nuts, seeds or a bit of sugar.

4. Tortilla Wraps

If you are not into oats or muesli, another great breakfast option is bringing a bunch of tortilla wraps. Wraps are great for hiking because they keep fresh for longer than bread (which, in comparison, quickly goes stale), and do not require any cooking. You can bring anything you like to fill them with: Peanut butter, jam, Nutella, cheese, or dried meat.

5. Dehydrated Breakfast Packages

If you wish for an easy and convenient breakfast, there are plenty of ready-made dehydrated meals online or at your local outdoor store. Breakfast options include muesli, porridge, and dehydrated scrambled eggs. These meals are typically way more expensive than making your own breakfast. If you want a change from your typical oatmeal, you could consider buying a dehydrator and make your own dehydrated breakfast for hiking. Not only will you save money compared to buying dehydrated food, but you will also get to choose exactly what you want for breakfast!

What is your favourite breakfast when hiking? Let us know in the comments below!

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